Wednesday, October 15, 2008

There Will Be Hair

So I decided a while back that when better to let your hair down and go crazy than when you move to Europe. You know... adopt the bohemia lifestyle... I mean.. I live in literal Bohemia... or just west of it. So as Sunday will tell you, I've always said... ok man I'm going to grow my hair out. And a little over a month later when it hits the awkward stage, I chicken out and cut it... But that was AMERICAN me... this is the new BOHEMIAN me. So here today. In front of all of you. I vow that my hair will not be cut (except for a slight trim so my thick hair wont fro) until the new year. I havent cut it since I have been here. So it has already been growing since the end of August.

Be prepared.... That is all. just my public declaration, so you all can hold me accountable, that THERE WILL BE HAIR!

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