Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall break is over... back to work.

So Fall break is over.. and it was pretty great. I was finished with classes on Friday by noon, and from then until the next Thursday, I spent it relaxing and hanging out with awesome people. Brady and Gabe, one of his friends from YWAM, as well as Cat and Mary, who came in from Budapest. So Saturday night was filled with most of the Praguers and our visitors hanging out and seeing some of the main places in Prague.

It was great to spend time with everyone. I got to talk with Brady about what God is doing in both of our lives, and how grateful we are to be able to serve him in our different ways and the opportunities to be doing what we are. Brady got to tell me about some exciting new possibilities of serving in Africa in some awesome things that God is doing there. It really is pretty amazing to see the two of us now and see how amazing God can transform people, and the great news is there is still so much transforming to be done.

Sadly enough, Brady and Gabe only got to stay for a day, so they left on Sunday.

But then I got to spend the rest of the week with Cat and Mary... and of course Frank, Britt, Gina, Ben, and Joseph, who all live in Prague. It was so great to have that community, even if it was only for a short time. To spend time and encourage and just have fun with each other. And it was so good to be able to spend time with two amazing girls like Cat and Mary... and get to hear about what all is going on in their life in Hungary.

But like all vacations are.. they must come to an end. But it was a definite shot in the arm getting to spend time with them.

A Picture I took of Brady in Old Town square... one of my favorites of him.
Cat and Mary very excited to be in Starbucks.. since they don't have one in Budapest.

Me and Brady outside of Prague Castle

Ok.. So I have to put this one up. Last night was Ashley Hunt's (one of my fellow teachers) Birthday. We decided, even though it was a day after Halloween, that we needed to have a costume party, so here is me and Joseph, I went as an emo-bear.. Joseph.... his costume must remain a mystery open to interpretation.

And lastly, this is the Kraml Family (along with Ondra who is their daughters friend, the guy on the far left). This family is the one that gave me the bike and who I asked all of you to keep in your prayers. They are pretty awesome.Thank you all for continuing to keep me in your prayers and what God is doing over here. Also, please be praying that God will guide me in my decision that will need to be made within the next few months of whether I should stay here for another year or not.

1 comment:

Zach Barnes said...

hey man, how are things going? I have been wanting to talk to you about the Kramlovi family! How are they? Please tell them HI for me. They are an amazing family, and I love them. Have you been to their house yet? Has Joseph told you about the wine party they threw for their customers? Ask him about it. Tell them hi and let me know how things are going with them. send me their email address, I think I forgot it. I'd like to talk to you sometime about any classes you have of mine... Do you have any other of my classes? Jo, super. thanks. Good luck. How are you holding up with the conversation classes. I know they can be rough sometimes. Me and Joseph are here for you if you need some ideas. Talk to you soon man. later